Online Dating Is Frightening, Call Midwest Matchmaking To Make Dating In KC Easy
07 Mar 2019There is a good chance that you know someone who found their significant other, even their relationship of a lifetime, using an online dating service app. In fact, online dating has become so prevalent that just picking one service from the many available can seem daunting.
You have good reason to be a little nervous about jumping into the online dating pool. Many of these app-based dating services are difficult to navigate, from completing preference checklists to selecting the right photo, to writing a profile that explains everything you want from a relationship in 500 words or less. Not to mention the nagging questions you may have about just how much truth hides behind the profiles that are being served up for you, or why you aren’t getting the right kinds of matches, or why first dates just don’t seem to be happening.
The ability to wade through the waters in any dating journey can be intense, no matter the avenue taken, but Midwest Matchmaking approaches the process of finding potential matches for Kansas City singles differently.
Midwest Matchmaking Gives Kansas City Singles an Alternative to “the App”
Rather than relying on algorithms or 10-question checklists, Midwest Matchmaking takes the “app” out of the equation. Our service is provided by real people with years of relationship coaching experience who are ready to work individually with you to help pin down your specific objectives. We’ll take the time to help you dig deep, helping you articulate exactly what you are seeking in a life partner. You might even find the Midwest Matchmaking methods and the journey you’ll take to meet other KC singles rewarding, even fun.
There really is no “right” way to approach the important task of finding your love match, but one thing we know for sure is that if you do opt to try online dating, there are some critical areas for you to consider:
I’m Ready to Try Online Dating. Where Should I Start?
If you are ready to throw caution to the wind and give an online dating service a try, one of the first things standing between you and a swipe left or swipe right is a profile that you’ll create for all the world to see. For our entire lives, we’ve been taught that speaking well of ourselves is boastful, even egotistic. Now, here you are faced with the thought of telling someone you don’t even know precisely why they should give you a second look.
This is one time when it doesn’t pay to overthink it. Be honest and clear about who you are and what you are looking for in a relationship. That way, you won’t have to pretend to be anyone other than who you are from the moment you agree to meet. And, use a current (but flattering) photo. Others can see right through a stock photo you’ve pulled from the internet or one that hasn’t been updated since your senior high school photo session. You want someone to be attracted to you, for you (not some imaginary version of you).
If you’re looking to save time and brain power, Midwest Matchmaking can help Kansas City singles refine and polish a profile, in fact, this feature is included with our dating services as we seek for you to put your best self forward. Looking to get some assistance with the first date jitters? We offer additional dating services like one-on-one coaching to assist you fully and completely on your dating journey.
Entering the Brave New World of Dating
With your honest and well-planned profile in place, you are ready to rumble, right? Not so fast. There are some other things to keep in mind as you approach the KC dating scene. It can be difficult to sort through, and that’s precisely why it pays to have a dating coach by your side as you consider the options and matches.
For example, some sites will ask you to fill out a questionnaire that is tied to a scientific formula to connect people with similar answers. Haven’t you ever heard that “opposites attract?” Maybe the best KC matches aren’t with people who are exactly like you. Or, maybe they weren’t as honest and upfront when they built their profile, which leaves you second-guessing whether you should reach out or pass.
Keeping a mind that is open to the possibilities is a requirement for Kansas City dating success. Don’t be so quick to write people off who aren’t the shape, size color or personality have in your mind. Think of this as an opportunity to meet all kinds of people; some might even become friends rather than a long-term love interest. If you aren’t sure whether to take a chance on a particular match, talk it through with your Midwest Matchmaking coach. They can help revisit your priorities, motivations and offer objective advice on how to proceed.
Your Safety is the First Consideration When Arranging Any Date
It goes without saying that online dating service sites can attract unsavory people looking to take advantage. When you get to the point of making the decision to connect with anyone, it pays to investigate the details before you proceed. We aren’t saying you should hire a private detective or pay for an online criminal record search unless that’s your style! We do recommend doing a little reconnaissance to make sure the person is who they are presenting themselves to be. (psst, we can do all of this for you and ensure those you connect with are quality singles who are highly compatible)
If you’re eager to do this spy business alone, do a quick Google search. View a LinkedIn profile and make sure their work experience matches what they have listed in their profile. Check out their Facebook profile and look at their activity and posts to make sure they are who they profess to be. You can cross check their photo image using Google Image search, and Google news is a great place to uncover any severe allegations that might be out there lurking. Just remember you aren’t trying to create an entire life’s history (you’d rather find out about their lives first-hand). You are just covering the bases to ensure your safety before you proceed.
Be Willing to Hear the Hard Things and Move On
Even if you’ve matched 10 out of 10 life interests and consider a KC single to be an upstanding person whom you’d like to get to know better, that doesn’t mean they will feel the same about you. Yes, it is disheartening to find out you aren’t quite what someone else is looking for but strike it up to experience and move on.
Having a thick skin is an online dating prerequisite, and at times you can expect to be ignored, stood up and maybe even harassed. Again, this is because this type of dating can often leave to a mixed bag of tricks and those seeking different intentions that finding the love of their life.
Midwest Matchmaking’s professional coaches can provide the right candidates, emotional support you need and all the other guidance you as you work through your dating adventure process.
Above All, Don’t Give Up. Your Midwest Matchmaking Coach is here to Provide Support When You Need It
When it comes to finding your Kansas City love match, no one algorithm, app or online service can guarantee success. If you tried an online dating service and it hasn’t resulted in the kinds of connections you are hoping for, call Midwest Matchmaking at (816) 410-1102. One of our professional dating coaches will take the time to determine your objectives and help find a clear path to the logical next steps as you get back into the KC dating scene.
Let Us Help You With Your Kansas City Dating Journey
Have you ever heard the saying that you’ll find what you’re looking for when and where you least expect it? There is a lot of truth to that. If you are having a hard time meeting that special someone in Kansas City bring Midwest Matchmaking to your search process to really help move things along. Calling us can be a life-changing experience as you’ll learn aspects of yourself on all levels that will leave to you finding find love in new ways.
Midwest Matchmaking has been helping Kansas City singles just like you find their perfect match for years. Professional matchmaking services provided by experienced relationship coaches can help make your approach to dating safer, easier and more successful. Stop wishing, start seeking. Call Midwest Matchmaking at (816) 410-1102.