First Impressions Matter: 6 First Des Moines Dating Mistakes You Need To Avoid
24 Jul 2019As most Des Moines singles know too well, you only get one shot at a first impression, and you need to make it count. When you walk toward your date, it’s generally believed you have 7 seconds to make a lasting impression. Failing to make a positive impression from the very beginning could hurt your future relationship with your date and could lead to you not getting a second date at all.
On a first date, putting your best forward is just so important, as a positive connection is a huge factor. Luckily if awkward first date jitters appear, you have an entire evening, lunch or brunch to make genuine impressions but you need to bring you’re A-game! Avoid making any first date blunders that could derail. Experienced Des Moines dating services like ours at Midwest Matchmaking have seen the same first date mistakes over and over again. With the help of our expertise, we can coach you to avoid making the most common first date faux pas and, instead, make your date appreciate just what an amazing person you are.
Being Fashionably Late
We understand that professional Des Moines singles are busy running businesses. Typically calendars are jam-packed with attending important meetings and generally making a name for themselves in the Midwest business world.
No matter how busy you are, there’s no excuse for being late to a first date. You might think that turning up late will give the appearance you are busy, but trust our dating experts when we tell you this is not the way to go. No one wishes to feel unappreciated or disrespected. Be on time for your date, or arrive early to show them that you care and that meeting them means something to you.
Sharing Too Much
First dates are an opportunity to break the ice and start getting to know each other. You should be open and talkative but be careful not to share too much and to keep the conversation positive. Avoid talking about past relationships or bring in your ex’s within your time together. Nothing is more off-putting to Midwest singles looking for love than hearing about your past relationships, especially on a first date.
Having One Too Many Drinks
If you’re trying to make a positive impression on your date, then keep an eye on your alcohol consumption. Be mindful of what you have eaten so far that day, so that that first glass of wine doesn’t go straight to your head. You want to be able to focus on what your date has to say and make them feel like they have your total focus. Stay in control and show your date that you are a composed, considerate, and fun person to be around.
Talking About Money And Income
As professionals in the Des Moines dating scene, how much money you make can creep into the discussion, especially if the office becomes the topic of conversation. How much money you or your date earns in careers, should be avoided at all costs on a first date. Money is a sensitive issue for some people, and you could end up offending your date or making them feel very uncomfortable. As a reputable Des Moines dating service, Midwest Matchmaking will always advise you to tread carefully when it comes to talking about money, particularly on a first date.
Being Too Casual
Where your first date is going to be will dictate to some degree how you should dress. While you don’t need to put on the most glam outfit in your wardrobe, a little effort can go a long way. Midwest Matchmaking dating coaches recommend arriving well-groomed and looking like you made an effort will make your date feel appreciated. On the other hand, if you arrive looking like you just rolled out of bed, your date might feel like you don’t really care what they think of you. Take some pride in your appearance to impress your date and so that you feel great about yourself too.
Keep It Light And Friendly
A first date is a chance to get to know each other and share some time together. This is not the time to try and find out if this is Mr. or Mrs. Right. Avoid the temptation to turn this into a ‘serious relationship interview’. Keep your chit-chat light and breezy. If topics like past relationships, family problems, or money starts coming up, have a few first date questions ready to steer the conversation in a different direction. Ultimately, try to avoid being too serious on the first date.
First Date Success With Des Moines Matchmaking Services
For many Midwest singles, locking in that first date is the ultimate goal, and once you have it set in place, you want to make sure it goes as well as possible. Not every first date will lead to a long and happy life together, but if you make the right first impression, who knows where it could lead to. With the help of our Des Moines Matchmaking services, you can avoid making some of these first date mistakes and ensure that you leave a positive, lasting impression on your date when you meet them for the first time.
Give our team of Midwest Matchmkaing dating coaches a call today on (515) 414-3536 and let us help you to avoid those common first date blunders. We have helped countless Des Moines singles get through those awkward first date moments and come out the other side feeling confident, reassured and more positive than ever about their dating future.