Building Balance – How To Manage Dating And Being A Business Owner
21 Feb 2020While the life of a business owner can be undoubtedly stressful and busy, by making dating a priority, you can find that special someone. With our unique Kansas City dating service at Midwest Matchmaking, you can be sure of meeting the right Kansas City singles to connect with! However, before you can get out there and start dating, you need to learn how to find that perfect between managing your business and managing your love life.
Be Honest About Your Company Commitments
When you’re out in the dating world meeting other Kansas City singles or you are discussing your expectations with our Midwest Matchmaking matchmakers to find a partner through our dating service, it’s essential to be honest about your commitments. If you have one evening free to date per week and that’s all you can manage, then that’s a good start. On the other hand, if you can re-prioritize some tasks or delegate more tasks, like finding the perfect match, you will have even more free time to go on dates that could lead to you finding your true love. Being honest with regards to your work commitments will allow you to reflect on your priorities and help you to better manage your time between work and dating to find a balance that works.
Learn To Find Your Off Switch
As a business owner, it always seems like there’s never enough time in the day. There’s always another task that needs to be completed, something that needs your attention or someone that needs your help. To find more balance in your life, you need to find a way to switch off. You might think that switching off from your work commitments is just not possible; however, nothing could be further from the truth. At Midwest Matchmaking, we encourage our clients to take time for themselves, so that they can find time to relax and unwind. When you’re going on dates with other Kansas City singles, you don’t want to arrive stressed, wound-up, and looking to vent about your business problems. Instead, find that off switch and use it!
Focus On Your Date And Their Interests
For Kansas City singles that own their own business, the managing of your business can very often be all-consuming. Your friends and family might not call you out on talking about your business all of the time. However, a date might not appreciate hearing about your business goals, what you need to change in your processes, which employees are giving you trouble, or what the monthly numbers look like. Forget about your work for a while and focus on your date and their interests. Ask questions, be interested, and try to find common ground away from your business. Ultimately, this will lead to a stronger relationship going forward and allow you to have an outlet that is not focused on your business.
Find Balance Between Managing Your Business And Dating
Through our Kansas City dating service at Midwest Matchmaking, we have met many business owners who have struggled to find the time for love. With the help of our dating coaches and matchmakers, however, these business owners discovered a way to juggle the responsibilities of running their business and finding that special someone. Get in touch with our team at Midwest Matchmaking today and let us help you find the right Kansas City singles for you!