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The Art Of Conversation – 4 Tips For Great First Date Discussion

15 Apr 2021

Going on a first date can be a nerve-wracking experience, especially for those that have been out of the dating game for a while. Whether you are divorced, widowed, recently single, or you are simply new to the Kansas City singles scene, getting out there are meeting local singles can be a daunting prospect. However, with the help of our award-winning matchmaking service at Midwest Matchmaking and the help of our expert dating coaches, you can ensure that your return to dating is an enjoyable and fulfilling experience.

All Kansas City singles never look forward to those awkward silences and lulls in conversation that can happen on a first date. There’s nothing worse than meeting someone for the first time, only to struggle to find something to talk about. To ensure that your first date goes smoothly and increase the possibility of there being a second date, you need to ensure that you get the conversation flowing to get to know your date a little better and connect with them. Below our Kansas City Matchmaking team has outlined five tips to help you to engage in a meaningful, interesting conversation when you are meeting other singles for that all-important first date.

Let’s take a closer look at five valuable tips that will ensure your first date conversations are relaxed, enjoyable, and interesting.

Ask Questions

Here at Midwest Matchmaking, we advise our local singles against “interview-style” dating. Going on a date with a list of questions that you want answers to will make a date feel stiff, robotic and neither of you will be able to relax fully. However, asking the right questions at the correct times can help to keep the conversation flowing. Asking your date leading questions such as “Where did you go to school?”, “What do you like to do at the weekends?” or “Tell me about where you grow up.” Will encourage them to open up to you and share details about their life, allowing you to find common interests.

Compliment Your Date

Striking up conversations on the first date can be as simple as complimenting your date’s appearance, outfit, or hairstyle. At Midwest Matchmaking, our dating coaches recommend following your compliment up with a short question to break the ice and to start the conversation flowing. For example, complement your date telling them “I love your shoes” and then follow up with “Where did you get them?” or “I really like your haircut” could be followed by “Is it a new style?”. Complementing your date will show them that you are attentive and caring, putting them at ease and giving you both something to talk about that can lead to more interesting conversations as the date develops.

Listen Carefully

Simply nodding along while your date is speaking, waiting for your chance to speak is not going to lead to great first date discussions. Kansas City singles should engage with what their date is saying and listen carefully to what they have to say. On a first date, it is natural to be nervous and to be thinking about a million different things at once. Try to relax, be in the moment and focus on what your date is saying. Not only will this help you to get to know each other better, but it will also make your date feel appreciated. When you listen to what your date is saying, you will naturally have questions and points to add, which will encourage the conversation to flow.

Laugh And Have Fun!

At Midwest Matchmaking, our entire dating team believes that dating should be fun. Of course, it can be daunting, meeting new people, being vulnerable, and putting yourself out there, but with a positive attitude and a big smile, you can ensure that your dating conversations are fun. Don’t take yourself too seriously, keep things light, tell jokes and just be yourself. Singles in KC would rather go on a first date with someone who is great fun, who laughs, and brings positive energy to the date. When you’re laughing and having fun, you will both feel more relaxed, and chatting together will be a breeze. Kansas City singles that have a good time and feel relaxed on a first date are always more likely to enjoy the dating process more and go on more second dates as a result. So, be sure to smile, laugh, and have fun!

Meet Compatible Singles In KC With Our Award-Winning Matchmaking Services

If you want to be connected with Kansas City singles, who you are compatible with, that you will have plenty in common with, and lots to talk about, then be sure to get in touch with our matchmaking team. We take the time to get to know our clients to ensure that we find singles in KC that you will have every chance of making a meaningful connection. Our expert dating coaches and matchmakers will be here to help you on every step of your dating journey, from the very first date to you finding your soul mate.