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Fighting FODA – How To Overcome Fears Of Dating Again Post-COVID

15 Sep 2021

While many Kansas City singles have been creative and found new ways to date online, the virtual dating world is simply not the same as diving headfirst into the exciting in-person dating scene that was in full-swing pre-pandemic. Now that life is beginning is adapting to the new changes KC singles are venturing out once again, many singles are facing a new dating challenge; FODA.

FODA is a term coined by Logan Ury, the Director of Relationship Science at Hinge, and it means Fear Of Dating Again. Make no mistake about it, FODA is real, and many singles in Kansas City are more apprehensive than they ever were in the past about getting out into the dating scene and looking for that special someone.

At Midwest Matchmaking, we empathize with those who are experiencing FODA and we are here to help. Whether your fear of dating again is rooted in financial, physical, or emotional obstacles that you have in your mind, with the right approach, and help from an expert dating coach, you can overcome your FODA and get back out in Kansas City dating scene with confidence.

Let’s take a look at a few useful tips from our matchmakers to help you to fight FODA and start meeting other Kansas City singles again.

Take The First Step Back Into The Dating Scene

When you fall down, the best thing you can do is get straight back up and move on. At Midwest Matchmaking, this is one of the best pieces of advice we can offer when it comes to overcoming FODA. While it might be easier said than done, you need to break the ice, get back out there, and start meeting Kansas City singles as soon as possible. The longer you allow FODA to be an issue, the more difficult it will be for you to venture into the KC dating scene with confidence. It’s important to keep in mind, that your date will likely be as nervous about their first date in the real world as you are so try to relax and enjoy the experience as much as you can.

Look Forward To Meeting Kansas City Singles

As you may have heard, “it’s okay to look back, but don’t stare.” While the last number of months have been very difficult for everyone, you need to move forward and stop focusing on all of the difficulties and challenges of the pandemic. When you are meeting other Kansas City singles, COVID will almost be impossible not to talk about but try not to let it take over the conversation. Avoid going into detail and instead try to direct the conversation to a different topic that will help to take your mind off the pandemic and all of the negatives that it caused in your life.

Treat Yourself & Feel Your Best

Now that things are opening up again, it’s time to treat yourself. Before you head out into the Kansas City dating scene, take a little time for yourself so you look and feel great on your next first date. As a professional dating coach team, we recommend taking a day to go shopping, get a massage, visit the gym, have your nails done, or do something else that was off the table throughout the pandemic. Taking a little time to look after yourself will make your feel more comfortable with being out in public again and help you to feel more at ease when the time comes to meet other Kansas City singles again.

Be Honest About Your Feelings

Once our professional matchmakers connect you with a potential partner, be sure that you are completely comfortable with where you are going and what you will be doing on your date. Many KC singles may be nervous about dining indoors or visiting a venue that is jam-packed full of people, for example. If you feel apprehensive about where you will be going on your date, you can be sure that this will heighten any FODA feelings that you may have. What’s more, you will be much more likely to come across as nervous and on-edge throughout your date.

The Kansas City dating scene has plenty to offer when it comes to places to go and things to do. Be honest with your date about how you feel and make sure that you go somewhere that you feel comfortable so you can be at ease and truly enjoy your date’s company without having any COVID-related worries. If your date can’t respect your position and your boundaries, they are probably not the right person for you anyway.

Our Matchmakers Can Help You Feel At Ease Returning To Dating

If you want to have a chance of meeting other Kansas City singles and be able to enjoy the dating scene again, you need to do what you can to overcome your FODA as soon as possible so you can find your perfect partner. To get your journey to true love off to the right start contact Midwest Matchmaking. With our help, you will be connected with compatible individuals that you will have every chance of connecting with, in a truly meaningful way.

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