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Hiring a professional matchmaker Creates A Layer Of Safety & Protection

15 May 2022

The trend of people acting a certain way in communication and then not being anything like that in person can leave any single feeling a bit unsafe. Add a single having pictures presenting one thing, but them looking completely different visually; this can make any Midwest single feel unsafe during the dating journey. And, if it happens a few times, a single might decide to completely throw in the towel on the whole dating thing, which leads to you missing out on the most precious gift of life; love. Please know that our professional matchmakers are here to help! We can offer you a layer of safety and protection, allowing you to experience a fun, exciting, and safe dating.

Where A Professional Matchmaker Helps The Most….

The reality is that the most significant benefit of hiring a professional matchmaker is that it creates a layer of protection for you and all other Midwest singles you meet.

With Midwest Matchmaking, when you decide to have our professional matchmakers by your side (meaning you do not choose to go at dating online solo), we jump in and start qualifying other Midwest singles based on your preferences and non-negotiables. We do the heavy lifting of filtering singles and interviewing the potential single candidates we feel would align with your values, dreams, and vision of what you want in a life partner.

Then, we communicate the top qualified singles candidates with you, and you get to decide if you want to move forward with communication or not. There is no pressure, no pushing. Instead, it is all about how you feel, allowing space for vulnerability and surrendering the perfectionist. This removes the element of picking a single who might not be that great for you. You might find massive peace in this process as many will say yes to every single as they feel they might miss out on something versus listening to your gut when it instantly throws a red flag that says, “wait a min … something just doesn’t feel right about this one!”

We Help Midwest Singles Going Through Life Transitions

While professional matchmakers can assist all singles, no matter their age, career, or location, we have found Midwest singles who have been through a significant life transition love working with our professional matchmakers. If you’ve recently moved to a new city, are newly divorced, or are a single parent ready to find love once again, we can assist you and provide the feeling of safety and protection as you start dating once again. With us by your side, we can help you in knowing and understanding what to expect in the dating journey and, of course, get you connected with eligible Midwest singles.

You Are Not Alone

It can often feel lonely while you’re in the thick of the journey when it comes to dating. Yes, you might have several first dates and be communicating with a handful of singles at one time; however, you don’t really get the chance to have a deep connection or conversations about what you like and what you don’t like with the single sitting across the table from you.

Why? Well, it can often feel like a bit “too much” to dive into what you want in love and life. Instead, it is usually best to keep things light on the first date so you can feel and understand what makes the single passionate about life. Our professional matchmakers can help you feel like you are not alone while dating. We can not only assist you in finding Midwest singles that check all your boxes, but we can also provide guidance and coaching to help you take your dating game to the next level.

The Magic Gets Amplified With Us By Your Side

The more you ponder what you want in a relationship, you might find that you want something completely different in a life partner than what you have experienced before. This is where the magic gets amplified if you hire one of our professional matchmakers. We ask questions that you might have never considered before, or maybe you didn’t think of a particular value or characteristic as essential; however, after some discussion, you realize it’s the exact thing you want in a loyal, trusting single.

As the process with Midwest Matchmaking unfolds, you start to raise your standards and get clear about what you want and what you don’t want. We refer to this often as the “this” but not “that” scenario. When you discuss your former dating experience and what your dating journey has encompassed thus far, you might realize that you are ready to up your game and stretch beyond what you’ve experienced before.

This is where the magic gets amplified, and our professional matchmakers are about to find the eligible Midwest singles that match your vision time and time again.

If you are ready to find love, no matter where you are located in the Midwest, our professional matchmakers can help! We can assist you in finding love in all the right places while being safe and protected.