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Guidelines For All Singles Getting Back Into The Dating Game

31 May 2022

The key to finding love as a solo single is patience. It will take time to find a compatible single that can check all of your boxes. When you’re ready and prepared physically and emotionally, let your true self shine through so someone can see how great you are. If you are interested in the dating journey, not take so long to find that potential life partner, our Midwest Matchmaking professional matchmakers can help.

When you hire us to assist you in your dating journey, we’ll learn more about you and what you wish for in your next relationship. We’ll also discover what qualities you want your single to have and uncover what makes you happy in life. All of this discovery assists us in finding eligible singles who match your vision of a life partner and potentially spark a deeper connection.

If you find that you wish to start the dating journey alone, you can find success. While it might take longer to find the one than you expect, it is possible. Below, our professional matchmaker shares some gentle guidelines of what we think is essential to have in common before your first date:

Always Listen To What Your Body Is Telling You

When it comes to dating, the ultimate goal is not to have a handful of dates with all other singles; it’s to feel good while you are sitting across from your date, enjoying their company and the conversation and connection. As a single who is looking for love, this means that you have to listen to those gut feelings. When you first connect with someone you consider dating, honor those feelings your body presents, often labeled as red flags. By declining to connect any further when you feel that it will not be good, all parties can have a gratifying date experience as neither of you is wasting time.

It’s worth saying that the red flag feelings are different from feeling nervous or excited – you’ll know then if you listen to them.

Ensure You Know Your Values So You Can Find A Genuine Match

It might sound obvious; however, it is worth mentioning that when you’re looking for love, it’s crucial that you know and understand your values. Why is this important? When dating, you will want the single sitting across from you to have similar values as yours. When one chooses to date someone who does not have their values in common, it can often feel like an uphill battle to defend and justify. Usually, one can feel unsafe in being who they are in their beliefs or dreams if this happens. Below, we have shared a handful of values to get you started:

Independence Is Key

You and the single you are looking to date must establish independence before entering the dating scene. Taking charge of your destiny is another way of saying this. Feeling empowered by being on your own and making decisions quickly without waiting for others to give you advice are characteristics that can massively enhance your life when you find that single that also has these values within their life.

When a single is independent and confident being single, they hold a lot of self-respect and don’t need anyone’s approval or permission for what makes sense in their life. This can become an attractive quality to the single sitting across from you and vice versa.

Accountability Is Required

When it comes to dating, accountability is the sparkle and shine of your character. Taking ownership of where you might have felt short or didn’t meet the mark allows the single you are spending time with to see that you are aware of your actions and behaviors. This creates deep respect and admiration as you are willing to take accountability for your past, learn a better way, and you are also willing to apologize for your mistakes if one is to happen.

It’s important to say that taking responsibility does not permit the single you are dating to guilt, blame, or shame you. Ideally, it allows both to see and understand that you are responsible for your actions.

Trust Is Mandatory

Trust can help build a bond between two singles who may not know each other very well or even at all! Where it starts is trust in yourself. Then, that trust allows you to open up and be vulnerable with the single you are spending time with. The reality is that we all want to be trusted by those around us.

This tidbit goes both ways. If you find during your dating journey that you come across a single, that is attractive, confident, and successful. Yet, they’re missing that one aspect that matches your values; it is best to stop or politely decline your next adventure together before anything gets started.

Don’t Trash Talk Your Ex

Our Midwest Matchmaking professional matchmakers suggest that you don’t feel like your last relationship was a mistake if you are ready to find love again. If you run this mindset of regret, doubt, or anger, you will tend to bring the ex and your past experiences with a new single, or you might constantly talk about your ex. We know and understand it might be necessary to tell some aspects of what happened in your past relationships. The first date and even a handful of dates might not be the best time to share the ins and outs of past relationship woes. We’re not telling you not to be vulnerable. If the conversation comes up, glide gently with your answers at the beginning. As time goes on, you can share more profound of what happened and share your healing experience of how you moved past a broken heart and into the hope of finding love once again.

One Exception To This Rule: The first rule when it comes to dating, it’s imperative you tell the single you are connecting with that you have children. If you are co-parenting, it is best to share some background information regarding your ex with the single you decide to spend a chunk of time with. Keep it gentle and remember whatever you communicate, the single will read between the lines of what you say and how you represent your ex.

Dating Again? Unsure Where To Start? Our Matchmakers Can Help!

Singles are coming out of hibernation more than ever since the pandemic, hoping that they will meet the one. If you are ready to get back into dating, our Midwest Matchmaking professional matchmakers can help you get connected with eligible singles!