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Dating Coaching

As Matchmakers, we are executing a selective search for the right partner on your behalf; as your Love Coach, we are working with you to ensure that you bring your best self to each date. Midwest Matchmaking offers a variety of approaches to dating coaching for men and women, offering up something for everyone, no matter what their dating goals may be.



  • 1:1

    The 1:1 coaching with one of our professionally trained matchmakers is the most popular route for singles, where the two of you decide what dating goals to focus on, and work out a strategy to achieve them. It’s more than just first date advice – you will develop the skills to pursue the right love interests while having a person in your corner providing clarity and objectivity along the way. Working with a dating coach requires you to invest in yourself, and in return, you get guidance tailored specifically to you.

  • Date Feedback Analysis

    This program is just for Members and done with your matchmaker after you have been on several dates.

    This approach to dating coaching allows men and women to hear new ideas, receive feedback, and have the opportunity to connect with others going through similar dating experiences.

  • Date Styling

    Work with one of our expert matchmakers to revamp your dating style. We go over everything from hair and makeup, to what to wear on a first date.

    Work your way to dating better with our award-winning Midwest Matchmaking team from the comfort of your own home, at a pace that you are comfortable with.

  • The Ringer

    Sometimes you just need to bring in an expert, and with over 35 years of combined experience, our team is exactly that.

    Hire our team to manage your online dating profiles for you, with options ranging from photo and profile makeovers and first date advice, to match selection and messaging on your behalf.

  • Inquire About Coaching

    Learn More about Love Coaching with our Midwest Matchmakers Rather call?
    *Please only inquire about our services if you are serious about dating and finding a lasting relationship. You also must be gainfully employed, with no felonies on your criminal record.