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Dating Consultants and Professional Matchmakers in Omaha

Singles in Des Moines can find a genuine connection

Select Your Membership

At Midwest Matchmaking, we understand that each person is unique. That’s why we’ve created three exclusive membership tiers designed to cater to the diverse requirements of our members. The differences between these plans determine the level of involvement you seek from your matchmaker. Choosing a higher tier membership provides you with more direct interaction time with your professional Omaha matchmaker.

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Personalize Your Experience

Our Omaha dating consultants offer personalized tips and valuable insights to all clients, regardless of their chosen tier, assisting them in strategizing to find the relationship they seek.

If you’re just starting your journey toward a long-term relationship and need guidance to find a genuine and lasting connection, we suggest a membership tier that provides more direct time with your matchmaker.

Our professional matchmakers in Omaha can help fine-tune your dating profile and keep you in the loop on upcoming singles events. This may be a good option if you’ve recently experienced the loss of a loved one and are ready to reenter the dating scene.


Every individual’s dating journey is unique and requires patience. Leveraging our extensive experience with a diverse range of singles, our Omaha dating consultants have curated a program tailored to meet the varied needs of individuals in their pursuit of love.

Talk With a Professional Matchmaker in Omaha

Eager to tap into the valuable expertise of our matchmakers? Get in touch with our top dating consultants today to schedule your free consultation!

Our Matchmakers

Find Out What Everyone Is Asking About Our Memberships

What kinds of people do you work with? 

At our matchmaking agency, we primarily cater to individuals 25 and above. Through our thorough screening process, we ensure that clients are emotionally and financially stable, have a clean criminal record, and are ready for dating. Our dating coaches assist a diverse range of individuals, encompassing various career paths, ethnicities, ages, and life interests, all unified by the common goal of seeking a life partner.

What is the difference between Private and Passive memberships?  

At Midwest Matchmaking in Omaha, our private membership clients are actively involved in our matchmaking process as we assist them in finding a partner. Passive members are viewed as potential matches for our private clients, but we don’t actively seek matches for them. It’s important to understand that this option doesn’t include our premium professional matchmaking membership services in Omaha. Introductions and dates are only guaranteed for active/private members.

How does the recruiting process work? 

Our recruiting team is always searching for high-quality singles through different avenues like networking events and online searches. Once our dating consultants pinpoint individuals who might be compatible with a client, we schedule an interview to evaluate their eligibility for membership.

Interested in learning more about how our dating consultants and professional matchmakers in Omaha can help you find love? Reach out to Midwest Matchmaking today!

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